Sunday, 24 July 2016


Twillingate was nice but it's time to move on. A friend from Deer Lodge Curling Club, Joan Sandell, moved back to Nfld a few years ago and the last time she was back in Winnipeg she said if you are ever in Nfld be sure and stop in. Well we did just that. Joan and Bill reside in Placentia, another picturesque Nfld setting. We showed up on Regatta weekend. This is a major summer event there, with 4 teams of six plus a coxain rowing per heat. They started in the morning and the finals wrapped up about 6pm. They are competing for the "triple crown" award, in which the winning team needs to win top honours in three communities. It is the oldest sporting event in Canada. It started out as a competition between the fisherman and the soldiers in 1816. We enjoyed some of the regatta festivities in town and had front deck seats for the finals as they rowed right past Joan & Bill's front yard. 
We also took in some sightseeing in the area with stops at Castle Hill and a seabird sanctuary. 
Castle Hill is an old fort in Placentiia which the French built in 1689. It wasn't a military stronghold per se but was a strategic site for the rich cod fishing grounds. Times were tough and the soldiers were so poorly paid they had to  fish and hunt to survive.  The fort and cod fishery was eventually ceded to the British as part of a peace treaty. 
From there we drove down to Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve. This is a sea bird breading ground for Gannets, Terns and others. Thousands of bird and fuzzy chicks lined the hill tops and cliff shelves. Quite a sight to see and smell !!
We returned to Joan and Bill's where we enjoyed their annual Regatta party Newfie Style with Newfie music and karaoke  carry on. A big thank-you to Joan and Bill for their hospitality. We probably would not have visited that area if not for them.
                  Joan and Bill

                     Ike and Tina

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