Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Pictou Island to Montague August 24th

We motored around the southeast side of Pictou Island to see the sites and improve our sailing angle up to Montague.   We sailed right to the mouth of the three rivers that make their entrance into the Northumberland Strait then motored 5 miles up the Montague River to the lovely little town with a great history of farming, fishing and shipping. 
The river was full of muscle aquaculture, that I have never seen before. Today the fisherman/farmers were busy pressure washing their stock to keep weeds and other unwanted sea growth from sufficating the muscles. The Station as it is called, a building on the grounds of an old railway station, which houses the marina office and a gift shop, a restaurant and the town visitor centre provided us with a map of the town and a list of things to see. So we had an ale in the restaurant and headed out on a self-guided walk enjoying the architecture and the wall mourals that were featured on the map. 

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