Monday, 17 August 2015

Miramichi Ways

Taking the river up to Miramichi was interesting as its a few miles across in most places and there is a channel winding through from shore to shore that you have to stay in or grounding was inevidable as the river and bay are silted in.   Even the charts say dreadging was last done in 1994 and depths shallower may exist. Straight in is 22 miles, but when you factor in the channel its actually 28 miles to Miramichi. The town itself was once a thriving pulp and paper town consisting of three towns, Chatham, Miramichi and I beleive Newcastle.   There's lots to see and do in the area and am told we just missed the biggest party of the year.  Every August long weekend, hundreds of boats and thosands off people flock to this little Island, Bay du Vin.  They camp out all weekend - boats are beached, moored and rafted around the entire island and its coined Giver on the River.   Here you can also take a boat ride back in time to a 19th-century shipbuilding site were you hear tales passed down by ancestry.  There is also Beaverbrook's Finest Hour and his role in WWII winning the battle of Britain.  With so much to do, we actually just chilled at the harbour as its plus 30 out and too sticky to move.   Its a Saturday and everybody is out on the boats.  We even noted that the stores are all closed here around 5:00 pm.   People will drop their boat in as many a six times a week for pleasure and fishing.  So for us to be at the visitor dock with a sterns view off all the action, it was actually kind of fun to watch all the antics.   While there we made friends with some fellows from Mac's Seafood and it turns out they have a deal with Pratts, whom we buy our food from at work - Canad Inns.  They had a wooden fishing boat converted to pleasure which was perfect to spend an afternoon on:).  Later that day we ended up downtown at Mac's Seafood were we were purchased some fresh lobster and stuffed clam shells.  Once again the people here make the difference - everyone is so nice and always willing to lend a hand  or just stop by for a friendly greeting, "How ya boys doin today".  And by the way, blueberry beer is still our favouite:).  John Walsh is the local harbour master here and we had asked him for some help in renting a vehicle, so we could drive to Bathurst, some 45 minutes away to pick up Bob for the next leg of our trip.   So John, with his great sense of humour says that the car rental wanted two days minimum - "F#%k dat", he says, "you can take my truck and just put some gas in her". Its another brand new 4x4 Chrysler 2500 fully loaded.  With our chores done including groceries, we're off to Bathurst to meet up with Bob.  It's interesting, we are told there are lots of Moose and apparently that's so - all along the highway, there's a large fence to keep them off the roads and signs everywhere telling them where they can cross.  Anyways, Bob's flight is delayed so we have some time to see the local sites there as well.  We pick him up at around 5:00 pm and its back to Miramichi for a late dinner and prepare for the following day.   That evening the Coast Guard / RCMP Ocean patrol vessel come into harbour for the night and park right beside us on the wharf.   And now its time for the next part of the leg.  

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