Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Maskells to little Harbour

We left Maskells Harbour and headed for the Grand narrows bridge. This is a double draw bridge style which I haven't seen before.it is manned 16 hours a day and stays closed at night after 11pm.
The winds 15-25 winds on the nose most of the day, quite gusty, but not having far to go we sailed through it.
At Castle inlet we stopped  for a Newfie lunch, fried Balonny sandwich, then pushed on. We arrived at Little harbour on big Bras Dor Lake about 6:30 and had a swim. It has a small entrance and good protection for all  types of weather. 
Big ketch was parked inside and there was a restaurant and smokehouse but we cooked ourselves on board after a long happy hour.

                   Happy hour

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