Monday, 6 July 2015

Gore Bay to Laundry Bay

Yes Gore Bay to Laundry Island because the trip from Meldrum Bay to Gore Bay was completely uneventful - full of no wind, lots of motoring, yada yada. But once we arrived ar Gore Bay it was a wonderful time.  A walk on the boardwalk, fantastic marina store with lots of toys - folding bicycles for $185!  Then we went downtown for groceries and supplies - thank goodness it was open, being Sunday in a small town, pretty much everything else was closed.  I think we were the sole transients strolling downtown other than a couple of skateboarders.

But on to sailing .... this morning we started at the usual time - up at 6:30 am - we have found this is the best time to start.  Up, shower or whatever you have to do, leave and have breakfast underway - today was awesome mile high pancakes, bacon, peanut butter and syrup.  Today we sailed across the northern channel into the "Whale Backs", a chain of islands where you really need to navigate carefully!  Half way across we got a text from our new friends Margaret and Dave Steele - they let us know that through  "Find My Friend" they could see us enroute to John Island.   We then proprosed a rondezvous on the south side of the island where we rafted together for lunch.  Afterwards, we made plans to meet later in Laundry Harbour. We had a great sail this afternoon and anchored in Laundry Harbour around 6 p.m.  I have no idea why it's called Laundry Harbour!???

Today; winds around 10-15 knots gusting to 25.  Great sailing day and saw some pristine Canadian shield. 

What a great day:)


1 comment:

  1. Laurie and I have been following along on your adventure looks and sounds awesome! I hope your electrical issues are behaving :). Frank
